Fish Love Wish


I’d love to be a goldfish

and swim around all day.

My humble home for one

here is where I’ll stay.

I could do just what I like

which is nothing much at all.

Except for when you’re watching

that’s when I have a ball.

But you’re not here that often

you’ve got better things to do.

Would you possibly consider

turning this one into a two?

I think I’d like a buddy,

to frolic with and play.

To dash and dive and dance with

and chase my cares away.

I’ve thought about this often

when I’m on the dash.

One more lap around the bowl

I’ll be back in just a flash.

I’d love to be a goldfish

and swim around all day.

My humble home for one

here is where I’ll stay.

A goldfish has entered the house of love after being bestowed upon Now 6 for his birthday. She has been given the title of Goldy (thank you creators of Peppa Pig for your ingeniousness). My son’s seemingly total lack of creative flair in naming our pets has landed us with Bluey (the blue budgie) in 2012 and now Goldy the goldfish. To confuse matters more we have a Golden Retriever whose name is not Goldy but is lovingly referred to as Golden Girl now that she is in her twilight years.

If/when we decide to get a cat it must be multi-coloured so that it doesn’t get called Blacky or some such other nonsense. I’d rather be outside calling ‘Rainbow’ and sounding like a total nut job.

Whether Goldy gets a mate is up for debate. We picked the first one so that the bowl wouldn’t be an empty gift. ‘Yay! I got a bowl with nothing in it!’ A second trip to the pet store might be in order. What’s the bet he’ll come home with a Blacky?

Who knows? Maybe the fish will have a renaming ceremony sometime soon. I just hope this happens before we have to flush the poor mite. Never mind. At least I don’t have to call it to come back to its bowl.

Something’s fishy with love.

© Kelly Hibbert 2013

Image from: here.

Can I Use Your Loo, Luv?

toiletThere might not be much love in the littlest room in the house but there’s plenty of humour.

Note before reading: Just 3 is still in toilet training mode. The potty is gone and using the big toilet calls for reinforcements. As much of a fan I am of cleaning other people’s urine (the mini Masters’) off the floor I would rather use that time for other endeavours. With this in mind we have invested in two ping pong balls. One is a basketball and the other: a soccer ball. One bobs around in the bowl of each toilet in our home so that no matter which toilet is free or whichever Just 3 is closest to when nature calls he can, ready, AIM, fire! at the ball.

Family had gathered at ours recently for a celebration. During this time beverages of the alcoholic variety were consumed and trips to the smallest room in the house began, myself included. Once they start there is a constant parade of people in and out, flushing, wiping and washing.

Mum pulled me aside after a brief pit stop and politely informed me that she had removed the ball from the toilet thinking that Just 3 had put it in there. I thanked her, explained and then dropped it back in.

I daren’t ask anyone who went into retrieval mode how they completed their mission.

Have you reclaimed something from your own toilet that really wasn’t supposed to be there in the first place? Ever had an experience while at someone else’s home? You might like to add a ping pong ball to the toilet at your next party. Even the Misters like to hit the target, apparently.

Ping pong anyone?

Image from: here.

Mother Lover

In a single moment today,  the next 20+ years flashed before my eyes. Opening with caution, I suspected something might jump out at me. Little did I know that it would contain………..

Until I awoke this morning I had planned to write a wonderful, heart warming post for my mum. It may have only been read by her as the reader would be bombed throughout the day with ‘Mum’ posts but she would be the only must-have reader today.

Instead I opened my eyes to Just 3 and Almost 6 laden with gifts and my OH with breakfast and a cuppa in hand. Surrounded by my family I opened my presents. I marvelled at Almost 6’s choice of gifts from the Mother’s Day stall they’d had at school on Friday. Of course this was bought with our money but, hey, I loved it all the same. I feigned surprise at the new oven gloves, pot holders and jumper I had bought myself. My inner smirk was hiding the fact that Just 3 was with me when I purchased them and did not question why my mouth was agape.

The absolute kicker, which is why I decided to change my post, was the card that Just 3 gave me.

I cried.

I cried tears not of happiness.

I cried tears not from heartfelt love.

I cried tears of laughter.

Shock, fear and the reality of the promise being issued forth rendered me speechless. Everyone joined in the laugh-fest even if they were asking themselves ‘what’s so funny anyway?’

Visions of death-defying stunts flashed through my mind. Visits to the Principal’s office and hospital stays will probably be a given. Girlfriends ringing at every hour of the night and a pisty needing to be picked up on more than one occasion. The police knocking at the door to tell that you’ve done………that’s where I draw the line.

And don’t forget, I may be your mother and will do many eye rolls, deep sighs and cussing over the next 2o years, but I can also give as good as I get.

You ain’t seen nothing yet!

Love is a Highway

Love on speed.

I like to think I’m in the driver’s seat when it comes to love.

Zipping around the city, I sail through intersections because the lights are all green. Places to get to, take a back street and find a park first time around the block.

fast lane

Around the suburbs, I wave to people as I pass. I always let others go ahead of me when they’ve been waiting to join the flow. I’m at ease now as home is so close. In familiar territory, I dodge potholes and manhole covers, knowing every curve of the road.

Out on the open road, the cruise control’s set and life is good. I’ve got the window down and the sun shimmers on the flat stretches. Only the occasional road train buffets my vehicle and forces me to grip just a little bit tighter to keep on course. Escape is only a short distance from here.

Skid to a stop. End daydream.

Weekdays are my city street and I loathe it with every fibre of my being. Rush here. Stop there. Dodge couriers on bikes and pedestrians with a death wish. The hum and pulse raise my own. Stop again. Gridlock on the freeway is tantamount to torture and then there’s peak hour. There’s little time for love.

Weeknights are the road to home. Tail lights glow and then disappear as each car carries its cargo home to be reunited with love.

Weekends are the road less travelled. These are the times when I like coasting, drinking in the sights and soaking up every detail of the world around me. Spending every moment coasting with the pedal off the gas even though we’re being propelled forward to the inevitable start of the weekday rush again.

The speed of love on the super highway.

Image from: here.

Love Leaves and Then Comes Again

I fought to the death
With courage and strength from birth
I am not forgotten
But returned to the earth.

Scattered, withered, lifeless
Until picked up on a breeze
Thrown heavenward by little hands
Do with me what you please.

No need to show remorse
Please don’t shed a single tear
Just remember me as I was
Until I’m back next year.

The Autumn leaves have fallen.

leavesDuring Autumn the foliage turns the most amazing hues. Crimson, amber, copper, lime and blush. Watching the kids bundle them up, throw them into the air and then start all over makes me laugh.

The crunch of leaves underfoot as you walk along reminds me of rustling paper. Some are just that; paper thin and fragile.

The only part about Autumn I don’t care for much is the fact that it signals the imminent onset of another Winter. We’re not friends-to say the least.

We watch as that last leaf zigzags it’s way to the floor below; it has re-joined all those that fell before it. The promise of Spring and new life, just around the corner.

What is it that you love about Autumn?

Falling in love.

Image from: here.

I’m Busy Loving You


I love being busy.

Busy is as busy does. Buzzing here, humming there, zooming, zooming everywhere.

We mamma bees really know how to make that honey. We buzz around incessantly all day doing the worker bee job. Then there’s the pollination to attend to and making sure the hive is kept in order. I wonder how many flowers a bee alights on each day. Too many to count I’m sure.

I remember my mum chatting with friends over a coffee (does anyone with littles have time to do that now?) talking about how busy the week had been with a smile on her face. It was a good busy. Not a flat-out, crazy busy that we seem to exist in now. Busy seems to be an obsolete word these days. Maybe not defunct but cannot exist alone anymore. ‘Busy’ has had its day and has been replaced with chaotically busy, super busy and insanely busy. Do we really need an adjective in front of the verb?

We are all busy. Sure, there’s different levels to it and some weeks are more busy than others. We learn to adapt quickly to the changing needs of our work, family, social and personal. I have a busy week coming up. It’s not a normal week of normal busy. There’ll be some late nights, extra demands put on my time, etc. Almost 6 will be turning 6 (and then he’ll be known as Now 6).

I have plans. All that can be done beforehand will be checked off the list. I refuse to spend the lead up to his big day of the year in a constant tizzy. I won’t run around telling everyone who dare listen how astronomically busy I’ve been. I will need to fine tune a few of my personal goals for this coming week though. My busy behind won’t be dropping in to the reader as often to ask, ‘what’s the buzz?’ My posts have already been done and scheduled and it might take me a little longer than the length of time it normally takes me to reply to comments to get back to everyone. There’ll be no droning on next week. It’ll be head down and stinger up.

Too busy for love? Not likely!

Kelly ♥

Image from: here.

Wishy-Washy Love

A splash of love.20130502_184034

I have some confessions to make. I’ve held back these dirty little secrets for far too long. It’s time to bare all.

For those of you who’ve been around here once or twice before you may remember me mentioning about my choice not to post photos of my boys.

Most of these same people also know that my posts have become more padded with words than when I first began. I love a good analogy and metaphors are my mates. To suggest that I can talk underwater with a mouth full of marbles would be a fair assumption. Heck if laptops were waterproof I’d probably type there too.

It would also be safe to say that I’m getting into the comfort zone of my relationship with my WP family. This blog will still be all about the love and won’t become an online photo journey of my beautiful boys. They just really wanted to say ‘hi’ so I am going to keep the yabbering to a minimum tonight and let Almost 6 and Just 3’s images do the talking.

20130502_183938The dirty duo love a bath like most kids. They motor boats around the bath, blow bubbles and all the other assorted things that kids enjoy doing at bath time (except getting clean). I never really understood why houses had drains on the floor outside of the tub until I had kids. Sure they’re really there for major water overflow to stop the house from flooding. What I don’t understand now is why my two need to try and test that principle every time they get in to get clean. If I need an excuse to clean the bathroom from the ceiling to the floor, I just chuck the kids in there. They supply the water: me, the cloth.

When they’re not splashing it up they’re fooling around. What else is bath time for when you are a little. Rubber duckie, move over. Give my kids an empty plastic bottle and they’re golden!

Love the wash antics.

Love is the Pits

Making a pit stop for love.

It is customary that my boys and I make at least one trip to the school playground each week after the bell. On our way to the playground Almost 6 tells me how the boys launch themselves from the rail at the top of the slide and land with a thump on their bottoms about half way down. There’s also reluctant confessions about the chasey games they play at break times. While Almost 6 has had ample time to monkey his way across the obstacle course throughout the course of the day, this little pit stop allows Just 3 to tire himself out: climbing, sliding, swinging and jumping and sometimes falling.

monkey barsLast week I had the opportunity to sit for a couple of minutes while the kids did their thing. I watched from a distance as Just 3 wanted to do everything himself. A little boy, probably 6 or 7, shouted back to his mum, ‘watch me, Mum!’ While turning to smile at the other mother in that knowing way, I thought to myself, ‘make sure you keep watching otherwise you’ll get dragged over hot coals by your son if you don’t see his amazing accomplishment.’ He proceeded to get himself up onto the top of the monkey bars as I’ve watched Almost 6 and thousands of other children do many-a-time. I willed her to show enthusiasm and wide-eyed astonishment when he mastered the manoeuvre he was attempting. ‘Please act like it’s the first time you’ve ever seen such a feat in all your life,’ I prayed. Ok, honestly, I didn’t pray but these little things are so important to our little ones….well I’m sure you get my drift.

Boy then draped his legs over the bar in front of him, placed his hands strategically then lowered his body down between the bars and let go. Hanging upside down, his hair stood on end and his shirt slipped down over his face. ‘Look, Mum! I did it!’ he said triumphantly as he tried to pull his shirt back down (or up depending on which way you want to look at it).


The other mum’s on her way over while I start to laugh out loud. Leg pits? Well I never!

It’s all I can do to stop chuckling between breaths. I guess in theory this would be a good name for the backs of our knees. We have armpits after all. Why not leg pits? They do get sweaty and they have a kind of hollow to them. Best put deodorant on them after showering in future.

As for the other mother, I’m not sure if she knewmy laughter. I best be careful or Mums will start realising their kids are just fodder for my next piece of writing. I guess I won’t have to worry about being invited for a play date though!

If you’re stuck for things to write about, can I suggest you take your kids to a playground. It’ll be a win/win. Your kids will burn off some extra energy and you just never know what you’ll hear while you’re there. Maybe just don’t laugh too loud.

‘Boys are it.

Chuck ’em in the pit.

All the girls will

kiss them on the lips.’

The pit of love.

Image from: here.

I’d Love to be a Treehugger

treeHug a tree for love.

Surrounding our home like sentries are gum trees, some of which would be 80′ high. The backyard features a ‘mother’ gum which is heritage listed, meaning approval is required before any part can be removed. The house was built around her. She’s the pinnacle of the ship.

Turning off the TV and the kids means nature’s soundtrack plays from dawn until dusk. Rainbow Lorikeets twitter and play in the lower branches and entertain with their antics in the bird boxes nailed to her trunk. Possums disembark from her to our roof before daybreak and reunite in the higher regions when the moon is full. The local koala takes his overnight stay on a fork wide enough to comfortably hold his weight. On still Summer days he stays low to the ground, easy for us to watch. Rosellas, kookaburras, honeyeaters and finches all delight in the bird bath under the shadow of her outstretched arms. The hoot of a Tawny Frogmouth owl can be heard after dusk. The Black Cockatoos chew on her looking for grubs and branches are shed which fall to the ground. I am in awe of her but that’s tinged with fear. Many a night has passed where I lay and wonder whether she’ll survive the storm unscathed.

She provides shade for picnics, is wide enough to hide behind and will most likely have the boys high amongst her leaves when they are a bit older. She is the heart of our yard.

Do my kids see me as the tree of our home? Sure they’ve nestled in my arms many-a-time and Just 3 gives the best leg hugs and I do call him tree hugger when he’s latched onto my thigh. I stand firm and weather most fronts. I go through the seasonal changes. Bunkering down for the long haul of winter, the focus is remaining stalwart through the rain, hail and wind. I’m always there. Strong and sturdy but fragile all the same-providing refuge, standing tall, always watching over but who watches over me?

I envy my saplings, for I once was one too. But now it’s their turn and I’ll try to ensure they’ll each grow to become the tree I see they’ll be.

It’s a mother’s nature to love.

Image from: here.

An Inspiring Family That Shines With Love

Oh my lordy me! I have awards coming out of my ears. I’m going to be completely honest here and tell you how much I love these awards but how much time they take up. I go in to dust them off and I come out 4 hours later. The shelf is to breaking point and I’m going to have to add another one if any more arrive. For this round I’m going to focus on expressing my gratitude to my fellow bloggers who thought enough of me to give me more cleaning. I don’t normally do a blurb about the giver but today that’s my goal. I also want to recognise the ‘family’ award the most so I’m going to give a shout out to the new members of my family. I sure you have better things to do with your time than reading X amounts of facts about me so I’ll condense those too.

very-inspiring-blogger-award11Monday’s Mum is just Making It Through Monday. She’s also expecting baby No. 2 and is an aspiring author like my good self. Her birthday is the same day as my eldest and she writes about a load of topics.

The rules for The Very Inspiring Blogger Award:

1. Thank and link back to the blogger who has nominated you,
2. Post the award logo to your blog.
3. Nominate and link to 15 other very inspiring bloggers.
4. Notify them; and tell 7 things about yourself.

sunshine-award2This one’s from Kira (who I’ll talk about more in a moment) and also Patty at Petite Magique. Patty’s bagged a swag of awards lately and is on a roll. I’m so glad Patty found me. She’s a teacher like me and she loves reading, writing and poetry. I think she’s pretty awesome as I’m sure you’ll agree.

The Sunshine Blog award is an award given to bloggers by other bloggers. It is given to bloggers who are positive and creatively inspire others in the blogosphere.

The rules for this award are:

    • Include the award’s logo in a post or on your Blog.
    • Answer 10 questions about yourself
    • Nominate 10 Bloggers
    • Link your nominees to the post and comment on their Blogs, letting them know they have been nominated.
    • Link the person who nominated you.

wordpressfamilyaward_2Kira, my gal pal and leader of the Three Mus’K’teers does more than hold herself together at Wrestling Life. She’s the glue that allows the three of us to keep fighting on! She composes poetry and shares her daily, brave fight with addiction.

Award Description: “This is an award for everyone who is part of the “WordPress Family” I started this award on the basis that the WordPress family has taken me in, and showed me love and a caring side only WordPress can show. The way people take a second to be nice, to answer a question and not make things a competition amazes me here. I know I have been given many awards, but I wanted to leave my own legacy on here by creating my own award, as many have done before. This represents “Family” we never meet, but are there for us as family. It is my honor to start this award.” from Shaun @

Rules: 1. Display the award logo on your blog.
2. Link back to the person who nominated you.
3. Nominate 10 others you see as having an impact on your WordPress experience and family
4. Let your 10 Family members know you have awarded them
5. That is it. Just please pick 10 people that have taken you as a friend, and spread the love.

So I’m going to do 10 quick things about me. I haven’t posted a pic of me yet so I’ll give you some descriptive stuff to work into an image.

    • I am a towering 5’4” and shrinking by the day.
    • I’m a brunette (with greys for highlights).
    • My hair is naturally curly but I torment it to be straight every day.
    • My eyes are hazel but were chocolate brown at birth.
    • I wear a size 7 1/2 shoe.
    • I have one wonky tooth. Kids always ask me if it’s going to fall out.
    • Bits of me have descended and reassembled in place they never existed before but I’m the same weight I was in high school-always have been.
    • My repertoire of facial expressions has resulted in lines on every part of my face.
    • I have two ears (really!) that are pierced- three on one side, two on the other.
    • I have a tattoo of the Egyptian Isis on my shoulder blade so when I tell kids I can see what they’re doing when my back is turned I really am watching them.

The following nominees are bloggers who have recently decided to follow me. Acceptance of the award is your choice. I just wanted to thank you for becoming part of my family. I hope to see you more often than the cousin or the uncle who lives far away because, let’s face it, you’re right around the corner.

Dawn of Thoughts

Year ‘Round Thanksgiving Projext

Marriage, Motherhood and Madness

The Truth You Always Knew

Texana’s Kitchen

Soul Love

Sevencity’s Blog


Cristian Mihai

One Cold Californian

Elizabeth Frattaroli

Words of Love

Rebecca J Fuhrman

Beau Preston

Strong Blogs

Words of His Heart

Mes Ayah-Life Through the Mic

Jennifer’s Journal

John Coyote

Universal Cosmic Consciousness

Kick Start-Thoughts Unspoken

Finally to anyone who would like any of these awards and you have missed out on one for your display cabinet please feel free to take any or all. It’ll save me from sneezing every time the dust floats off of them.

Thank you for the nominations and hugs to all my long lost relatives.


I’d Love to Help

Helping hands of love.

Cookies for the school fair? I’m your mum! Car broken down? This chick will give you a lift! Need to talk? Your gal pal will be there.

Now I’m no Mother Teresa. I haven’t dedicated my life to the service of my community and others who are less fortunate than myself but I do everything in my power. There are many instances in which one may find themselves and think, ‘Yeah, someone else will do that,’ or ‘I can’t be bothered/don’t have the time.’

I’m not one of those people. I’m a helper. A perpetual helper: forsaking all others including myself. Sometimes to the detriment of myself and/or my family.

heart hand

I can do everything. Really I can!

New Year’s Eve 2012 was one of those times.

Scene: Brighton beach, Adelaide (Australia) 10:30pm. We’ve seen in the New Year (albeit a little prematurely) with our closest friends and all our combined kids at a fireworks display they put on annually for the public. There’s families, oldies and an assortment of local youngsters (gee I sound old) swigging from bottles behind the backs of the local law enforcement.

I’d smiled at the sight of a couple earlier in the evening who were probably in their late 50’s. My mind wandered to that point in my life where I’d be sitting there sipping champagne in my togs while littlies whizzed by with sparklers, squealing, others building sandcastles. I’d have my husband by my side and I’d be wondering if my boys were ok because they certainly wouldn’t be hangin’ with Ma and Pa by then. We’d be well past our use-by-date in the cool, hip and happenin’ department by then. Perhaps we might be useful to do the 3 a.m pick up. We’d chink glasses, as this couple had, and drink in the New Year together with a heart full of love.

While my brain enjoyed the imagery, my sights were firmly on the kids. We almost needed a leash for Just 3 who was still two then. Keeping him within reach near the water’s edge while Halfway to 6 ran off to talk with boys from school took most of my focus.

The fireworks display finished for yet another year. We began to pack up when I noticed the lady from the couple I’d been in awe of earlier. She was curled on the sand with her partner nowhere in sight. Their chairs were still on the sand and the table still bore the remnants of their meal and drinks. Maybe her partner had gone to the toilet? Possibly to get the car if it was parked some distance away? Had she had too much to drink to walk without his assistance? I instantly brushed all thoughts aside as we ensured we had everything and everyone. Rubbish was deposited into a bag. Wet towels were dumped in with rashies and heads were counted.

Did the lady just twitch? Yes, there she goes again. I asked my favourite person in the world, Belinda, if she saw it. We watched together as the men were left with the charges.

‘Is she having a seizure, you think?’

‘Not sure……I think she might be crying.’

Without another thought I headed over to the lady curled on the sand. Placing my hand on her shoulder I asked if she needed any help. She was quite incoherent to begin with and the smell of alcohol drifted past my nose. Belinda was opposite me and together we tried to coax her to sit up. As she began to speak with more clarity we began to understand why she had chosen the cool sand as a place of respite in a crowd of many. The alcohol had loosened her tongue and although it made her difficult to understand, the stories and events she spoke of were beginning to link together to form a picture. A series of abusive events, the past marriage breakdown, the son who had taken his own life recently and the ever-present fear for her own safety. Officially now I am out of my depth but I cannot leave this lady in this state. What kind of person would I be to walk away? Reassure her everything was going to be alright and leave her to it? Clearly everything was not okay and I don’t do nothing when I can do something.

We asked her name and if she had her phone with her. Was there someone we could call? Someone with whom she was close and who lived close by?

Jan was her name and, no, there was no one else except the man who had left her there.

My main concern at this stage was not to leave her on her own. Belinda tried calling her partner that had left her there to find her own way home. This was to no avail so we listened, cared and managed to get her sitting up. She spewed forth details of the culmination of events from her life that had led her to the here and now: alone on the shore with no one to care for her except two strangers. Her skin felt cold where my hand was resting on her back so I offered her my jacket. The ‘thank you’s’ started as she began to sober and she was able to stand. For some reason she found linking arms with me gave her to courage to continue. Either that or I was just something to hold onto: both emotionally and physically.

Jan was attached to me so Belinda went off in search of back up. While Belinda was gone Jan shared scars and open wounds: tales from the life that she had led. I did nothing but listen and acknowledge with an understanding nod when appropriate. But really, what did I know? I only know that the human spirit of compassion is alive and well in me.

Three police officers strolled across the sand with Belinda leading the way and we were finally able to make progress, both for Jan and our journey home. My arm was still entwined with Jan’s and there was no sign I’d not be required for some time. Belinda’s arm had been given duty on the other arm and as well all stood arm in arm we presented a united force. Jan needed strength in numbers and she needed people on her side that night.

The partner (whose name I don’t remember or chose to forget) eventually arrived and attempted to have the police believe she was making it all up. Whether she was or not was not for me to decide. I do know what I believe though.

So with jacket in hand, a hug from a near-perfect stranger and many gracious words, my friends, my family and our kids made the slow loaded-down trip back to the car.

Belinda and I had done what we could do.

In hindsight I wondered about how many people saw that lady curled up on the sand. Did they notice and shrug it off? Did they not want to involve themselves? Do people just not care like I seem to?

I can’t do everything and I’m just starting to acknowledge that.

I can only do what I can do and that’s what I’ll continue to do until I can do no more.

I can do something because, really, what’s the alternative?

My children will know what it means to lend a helping hand.

Image from: here.

The Love Boat

Your boarding pass awaits your arrival at Pier 3. Let’s set sail and be sure to leave all your cares behind.

Yesterday I mentioned that I needed a vacation after the school holidays. A massive thank you to John (my hero) because now I’m off to the Gulf of Mexico.


I’d love for you to join me.

There’s only one condition…….

You need to pack all your troubles in your old kit bag and smile, smile, smile!

I know for most of you this may be a difficult thing to achieve. Please be assured there is no weight limit to the baggage you bring with you. So get all that crap, shove it in and don’t look back. Pack everything you can think of: worries, troubles, concerns, issues, things that p%*@ you off and any other unwanted stress. If you can’t do up the zip, don’t worry. Carry-on can be left below*.

Now upon boarding you’ll need to join in the sing-a-long. You can practise now if you’d like or just stand near the back.

Love, exciting and new

love boatCome aboard. We’re expecting you.

Love, life’s sweetest reward.

Let it flow, it floats back to you.

The Love Boat soon will be making another run

The Love Boat promises something for everyone

Set a course for adventure, your mind on a new romance.

And love won’t hurt anymore

It’s an open smile on a friendly shore.

It’s LOVE!

Welcome aboard

It’s LOVE!’


Please accept the complimentary T-Shirt as you walk the gangway. The staff on the upper deck will have extra gifts for our First Class RCC passengers.

We trust you will enjoy your carefree journey and be prepared to carry only souvenirs home with you. Any residual distress, anxiety, woes and doubt will be seized by Customs.

*Please leave your kit bags below in the comments section as we head out of the Quay.

The Comments section today is for you to offload anything you do not wish to carry with you for the remainder of the day. It may be one word, an issue or concern or maybe you’d just like to vent. This can all be done here instead of on your own blog. If you don’t wish for me to reply just add DNR to the end of your comment (I will resuscitate if necessary but will not respond).

Your Captain

Images from: here and here.

Talk About Love

grumpyI love to talk.

As some of you aware I’ve nicknamed Mondays Momdaze’ now.

I’m normally in somewhat of a fog and need a giggle or two to get me through the day. It seems that Just 3 was aware of this fact this morning after we had dropped Almost 6 at school. We arrived home and I was about to commence my happy dance after getting Just 3 out of the car.

He crossed his arms, put on one of his best grumpy faces and stated,

‘I not talking to you anymore Mum.’

Allow me to clarify at this point that I had done nothing to be in receipt of this kind of threat.

My response, ‘Oh well! It’s going to be a pretty quiet day then.’

2 second pause……..’Mum.’

This was my first giggle for the morning. It will be a pretty quiet day here regardless. Hopefully, though, the grumpies will disappear and we can recommence smiles and giggles for the rest of the day.

I’d love to chat but I’m off to find more funnies. I’ll talk to you later. Promise!

Image from: here.

Love’s on Vacation

Anyone got a spare room in some exotic location? Or maybe you could recommend somewhere to sun-soak and take in the sights? I don’t take up much space. Heck, I’d even take the couch if that was on offer!

After the holidays I’ve had I need a vacation! They (whoever they are) say time flies when you’re having fun. Well this school holidays seem to have been longer than the 6 week break over Summer. Maybe it’s the impending approach of Winter. Attempting to ensure Just 3 stops play to empty his bladder instead of enjoying the warm waterfall feeling until the wind blows or mummy blows her top might be the root of the cause. Having to constantly umpire the tussle and roughhousing that is boys has taken it toll.

It seems that my love for my boys took a bit of a holiday. I became introspective for a while and delved deep into my psyche. The usual love lectern, from which I impart great knowledge of nothing of substance, was abandoned.

The ghost of holidays past visited me this April. Term break has, for me, always been a chance to catch up or, heaven forbid, get ahead. To find my centre, sleep in and catch my breath.  I like to have all my ducks-in-a-row and not the rubber kind either.

In retrospect I am searching for the highlights of the last 16 loooong days. Here they are, in no particular order:

    • Almost 6 had two sleepovers (one at his Uncle’s and another at his Nan’s) both of which he had to be picked up from. One at 11.30pm and the other at 9.30pm. Sleepovers at relatives had been successfully achieved on prior attempts.
    • We’ve visited an abundance of local playgrounds. The kids have had a blast. I, on the other hand, will be happy if we don’t visit a playground for several weeks.
    • Some odd jobs got done around the place and ticked off the list. The list still contains about 50 incomplete tasks.
    • We’ve caught up with relatives, broken bread, partied like it’s 1999 at a 6th birthday party and been to a play date that nightmares are made of.
    • My ironing basket is empty (almost) and the Peppa Pig DVD survived the relentless spinning.

Tomorrow will feel like I’m on vacation. My heart might still wish it was wandering around a luscious rainforest or basking on an island off the coast of Fiji. The Maldives are nice at this time of year, I hear. My brain, however, will be mentally planning the Winter holiday survival guide while I live the life I love.

I’m back peoples and I’m packing (my sunscreen, togs and a whole lotta love)!


The Last Post of Love

Lest We Forget About Love


I won’t hear The Last Post today trumpeted from a bugle in person. I will see it on TV and the hairs on the back of my neck will stand just as straight as the servicemen and women will at each ceremony held around the country.

I won’t see the veterans march through the city streets. I will slow to match their pace today and pause for a minute to remember the lives lost in all conflicts in which Australians have fought and continue to serve.

I won’t be laying a floral wreath at the base of a memorial. I will place fresh flowers in a vase atop the bench to honour the casualties of war.

I won’t have the words to console the relatives of the fallen. I will help my children to understand the sacrifice made by our armed forces.

I won’t be camping overnight on the shores of Gallipoli. I will go to bed tonight grateful for freedom and peace in our Lucky Country.

I won’t be waving a flag or bear medals on my left breast. I will watch the ANZAC match and bake Anzac biscuits for us to share commemorating this historic day.

I won’t be at a Dawn Service today. At least not in person. I will be there in spirit and my heart will fill with the love and pride I feel to be able to call Australia home just the same as every person who attends a service.

They went with songs to the battle,

They were young, straight of limb, true of eyes, steady and aglow.

They were staunch to the end against odds uncounted,

They fell with their faces to the foe.

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:

Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.

At the going down of the sun and in the morning,

We will remember them.

Lest We Forget.

I love a sunburnt country as the sun rises.

Image from: here.

I Love You Like Crazy


Crazy little thing called love.

Is it possible to love your child too much? How much love is too much? How would you measure it?


By the amount of kisses given on cheeks of a slumbering child?

By repeating ‘I love you’ when they drive you wild?

By the lengths you’d go to ensure they’re happy?

By the amount of times you’ve changed a nappy?

By the time it takes to takes to tie a shoelace?

By the distance they run to win a race?

By counting the times you hold hands and skip along?

By the ways you console when something is wrong?

By the energy needed to push kids on a swing?

By the truckload of rhymes that you’ll probably sing?

By the width of your arms just before giving a hug?

By the strings of your heart they’ll be sure to tug?

By measuring the amount of love one heart can give?

By the fullness of a life with kids that you live?


Crazy in love.

Image from: here.

Love the Logic of Kids

I love a logical connection.logic

Ok folks it’s Monday and I’m not one that likes to exist in a maudlin state. So I’m going to be seeking out the humour to bring you at the beginning of each week. My hope is to leave you smiling on Momdaze. Some will feature from the mouths of my own lovelies, some will be stolen from work and others pilfered from the public at large.

Some people read magazines at the supermarket checkout. I love observing and listening to snippets of people’s lives. Call it eavesdropping or whatever else you may. I refer to it as express lane escapism.

Recently I overheard a conversation between a mum, and what I assumed to be, her son. He would have been between 3 and 4. It went a little something like this:

‘Mum, vegetable oil comes from vegetables doesn’t it?’

‘Yes, they take the oil from lots of vegetables and put it into bottles.’

‘So peanut oil would come from peanuts?’

‘Yes, that’s right.’ (Mum looks pretty proud of her son).

‘And so that means orange oil is squeezed from oranges and olive oil is made from olives?’


At this point child begins to cry with such instant force that he attracts the attention of not only his mum. Once he’s in his mother’s reassuring arms he begins to calm enough to ask between sobs, ‘So that means they squeeze all the oil out of babies to make baby oil?’

Image from: here.

Passport to Love

passportThe freedom to love.

Last week I had my creative passport issued for a limited time only.

There were no children to create distractions for 5 hours.

When I first started blogging I was concerned that I wouldn’t be able to achieve my goal of writing a post each day.  I didn’t want to create a journal or diary per se. My life is really not interesting enough to sustain anyone’s attention for 365 days in-a-row. I thought I would run out of things to write about-at least things which people would be even remotely interested in reading. Little did I realise that I would end up with the opposing issue. Running out was far from likely.

My intentions at the beginning of this year were to a) post every day on the theme of love, b) to serve as a daily reminder that there is love in the everyday moments of parenthood and c) to form a good habit of writing for a sustained period each day.

The plan seemed simple at the time and to an extent it has been. I have written a post every day (even if it was in draft form and didn’t ‘hit’ my blog until the next day). For the most part I have kept to the theme but there have been a couple of times when love has gone AWOL. It continues to serve its purpose as a daily reminder of the love in everyday moments. My kids continue to give me more than enough to work with every. single. day. I now also have a writing habit. I’m just not sure if it really is a GOOD one the way it stands.

What I didn’t know is that WP would be like FB, having pen friends all over the world and reading 100’s of short stories concurrently. My world has grown and I have been granted admission into places without having to go through immigration. I’ve walked the streets of Prague with Katy and I’ve lived vicariously through white water rafting with Lesley. I’ve read poetry penned by Kimberly that’s left me speechless and inspired me to write my own even if mine are well below par. Starting my first writing project off WordPress was in part due to the inspiration of Legends like Charles and Ionia who did more right than she even knows! I’ve wrestled with Kira and been green with envy watching the RCC do their thing.

So what did I do with 5 hours in hand?  I caught up with some news from the reader, replied to comments and ate my lunch. Not once did I have to wipe a face, play bodyguard over the toilet paper or clean up a spill.  That left me with about 3 hours to get creative. The Maid was made that day and construction began on the new format. But I needed another 5 hours, or maybe 10, to get more done. Not. Gonna. Happen.

Learning has been a steep curve though and reflection seems to be an intricate part of all things bloggable. I’m good with where I’m at now and plan to move forward without the need for scrutinising my efforts publicly any time in the foreseeable future. I have to divide my time between all blogging tasks and all the time I have is all the time I need.

I’ve changed my ‘do’. I have added an awards page that still needs some work but acknowledges who has bestowed what upon me. I’ve started with dreaded categories and have a ton of love to offload from my grey matter in the next few days. I’ll be introducing some new ideas. Who knows if they’ll fly or flop but I’m going to shoot the breeze with you and see what you think.

I’ve gotta go catch the love bus now to the airport.

Image from: here.