Crazy Little Thing Called ♥

Love is a little crazy.

There’s a touch of weird lurking here so don’t say you weren’t warned.

Is it just me or has there been a steady stream of bloggers heading for the hills of their own minds?

There’s a little bit of crazy talk going on around these parts and I’m sure I’m not the first one to pick up on it. I’m not that fast on the uptake.

I think I’ve already arrived at this point once before. Last time it was more like a ‘what the frigging heck am I doing?’ It’s changed now to a ‘I know what I need to do.’

Through the RCC I mentioned a self-imposed deadline to send off my first manuscript by June 30. That in itself proves I’m crazy. But not being one to back down without a fight I will stick to it. Only problem is, I haven’t even finished it yet. After that, I want to sit on it for a bit and revise/edit yada yada. Now please don’t hound me in the comments section for belittling the editing process or writers in general. A picture book is normally under 500 words. No biggie. Every word just has the weight of the world on it as there are so few of them.

Anyhoo. I wanted to take up a little blog space to thank some people. Don’t worry, it’ll probably only take as long as it would for you to say, ‘well I’ll be a monkey’s uncle.’

I’m not going to name drop. You guys all know who you are. My followers. No, not the 325 of you. The 10 or so true followers that have read almost EVERYTHING I have written.

Poetry and poems.

Whinges and whining.

Troubles and tantrums.

Humour and heart warmers.

10 words or 1000. You’re here every day.

I caught up on my reader today for the first time in over a week. Boy it was a relief and I felt great. On top of the reader for 0.4 seconds until one of you posts something I must read. Not because you expect me to; because I need to. I haven’t read a ‘real’ book in 3 months and my manuscript hasn’t seen one ounce of love in 5 weeks. As for my completely understanding, wonderful husband, well, he needs some extra loving.

This is not a ‘goodbye’,’ see you soon’ or ‘not sure when/if I’ll be back’ post. I’m not totally off my rocker.

This is a lull in the halls of love. I’m giving you guys a break. Your reader will be a little lighter and a slightly easier to manage without me taking up space. Actually, cancel that. I’ll be taking up space with stuff that’s already taken up space before. Not a fan of reblogs to be honest but it beats the looney bin which is where I’m worried I’ll be headed if I don’t find a new lease on love.

Oh and don’t think you’ll be getting off that easy. I’m relying on you lot for my daily dose of laughter. I need uplifting quotes and heartfelt poems. Update me with where you’re up to with all your goals and help me choose my next actual book to read. I’ll also be commenting my behind off so no need to be concerned for my mental health. I’m going to be a blogtrotter!

Finally, I would like to take my crazy brain with me having you know:

what I’ve sought

what I’ve learned

what I’ve shared

what I’ve gained

what I’ve pondered

what I’ve found…..


And for that, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.


A Whole Lotta Love on a Friday -Encore Performance

The crowd are chanting and stomping their feet in a demanding way. There’s no time to catch your breath. Get out there and pelt out a couple more tunes. You will go down in history as legends. Of that, I am sure.


This is the final set and Charles is first to take to the stage. He is a true legend in every sense of the word and can rock this joint all on his own. I’ll let him take the mic now; that is if all the Windemere characters will let him get a word in.

The rules are as follows;

1.The Nominee of the Wonderful Team member Readership Award shall display the logo on his/her blog.
2.The Nominee shall nominate 14 readers they appreciate over a period of 7 days, all at once or little by little.
3.The Nominee shall name his/her Wonderful Team Member Readership Award nominees on a post or on posts during 7 days.

Over a period of 7 days (1 week), the Nominee shall nominate a number of readers that he or she appreciates – this can be done at any rate during the week. It can be all on one day or a few on one day and a few on another day, as most convenient to the Nominee.

The Nominee shall name his or her Wonderful Team Member Readership Award nominees on a post or on posts during the 7 day (1 week) period.

(I’ll do my nominations at the end of this post).

sunshineI am sure the spotlight will love Kimberly as much as she used to love being in it. She’s all pumped waiting in the wings so without further adieu I’ll let her strut her stuff. She might perform a tanka or a haiku tonight. She makes music with her words and paints pictures with her poems.

Patty is ready to make magic with her poetrics and the image and light show to go with it will astound you.

Thanks so much for this award. I need some sunshine right now as we head into Winter. As I’ve already received this award please check out Words for JP if you need the award rules.

super sweetIt will be a bittersweet ending as the night comes to a close. There’s two more fabulously awesome people doing a duet for the last tune of the night. Time to raise those lighters high into the air as John and Kira close out this cast of brilliant artists.

The words will flow and the clarity of the message in this song will speak for itself. All you need to do is listen to the words from within.

The Rules:

  • Thank the Super Sweet Blogger that nominated you.
  • Answer five Super Sweet questions. (see below)
  • Include the Super Sweet Blogging award image in your blog post.
  • Nominate a baker’s dozen (13) other bloggers.
  • Notify your nominees on their blog.

The 5 Super Sweet Questions:

        1. Cookies or Cake? Mmmmm Cookies. Num, num, num, num.
        2. Chocolate or Vanilla? Chocaholic
        3. Favorite Sweet Treat? Fudge, that’s a hard choice.
        4. When do you crave sweet things the most? Right before bed which is a no-go.
        5. Sweet Nick Name? Telly.

And the nominees are:

Get Me Rewrite

 Kori Miller

 Sonya Monica

  J T Weaver

  Naomi Whitacre

 Sterling Arthur Leva

 Emma Newman


 Discovering Dimes


 The Jogging Dad

  Urban Wallart

Reaching Utopia

Phew! That was phenomenal.

Ok guys. I think that’s the end. It was absolutely mind-blowing. I think I’m all rocked out. Please don’t invite me to another concert for a while. I’m afraid I’m getting too old for this.

Kelly ♥

A Whole Lotta Love on a Thursday (a.k.a. Saturday)

The tunes stopped. There was a longer than pregnant pause. The lead singer fainted and couldn’t go back on stage.

I wonder if the audience will get a refund?

Hang on. Wait a sec. They’re coming back on now. It seems the show will go on.

These old fogies aren’t what they used to be. Let’s face it-who is? Let’s see what they’ve got left in them.

Hey wait! There’s someone Epically Awesome up on stage with the wrinkly rockers. Oh wow, it’s Cranky! I know her. She is epicallyawesomeaward1the epitome of awesome. She’ll give those guys a run for their money.

If you have no idea who I am referring to you have to go to the backstage party at Grandma Says. I wouldn’t care about meeting anyone else there but her. I am in awe of this lady. She has me in stitches, tears and leaves me to think; normally all within a single post. See if you can sneak in and get her autograph. Be warned though, whatever you do, don’t drop the F*&% bomb. She’ll probably drop-kick you out the door without any help from security.

I can’t believe it! She’s just thrown an award out into the crowd and I caught it.

The rules for this award are as follows:

1. Tell 10 Epic/Awesome tales about yourself.

2. Nominate 10 Epic/Awesome bloggers and let them know how Awesome they are.

I find it hard to toot my own horn and I don’t know if any of these rate as Epically Awesome; more so Epically Awesomely Average but we’ll give it a go:

  1. I love change. I embrace it; thrive on it even. No change makes for a stale, cardboard cut-out version of me.
  2. I am near on completing my first picture book (and yes it does have words).
  3. I can drive, apply lip gloss and hand snacks to the back seat dwellers all at the same time.
  4. Handling 12 hours of children’s television programs in the background of my personal soundtrack inside my head in one day is a walk in the park.
  5. I never knew that WP would unleash the creative monster that has lived inside of me, relatively unnoticed, and make me a little more outwardly crazy than I was before.
  6. I have taught primary school aged children for the past 19 years and have lived to tell the tales.
  7. My sister is Epic in my book.
  8. My boys are my walking proof that I am a mum. On rare occasions I’m an Epically Awesome one.
  9. Family is my one and only true love. Without them I would not be whole. This includes you-my bloggerellies.
  10. Shyla, my 12 y.o Golden Retriever is my mate. After breaking her leg at 3 y.o and facing amputation she has shown me an awesome amount of love.

My nominees are Epically Awesome as they have chosen to follow this little Love Trail.





Jill London




Daniel Budiarto


inspiring-blog-awardI’d also like to thank Bubbly Mel for this lovely award that makes me feel a little princessy. I’m not frilly and pink by any stretch of the imagination but I love it all the same.

I reckon Mel is a Yummy Mummy already and should drop the’ trying to’ part. She’s gorgeous just the way she is. She’s had me squealing like a little school girl since we arrived for the show. I was already excited but she inspired me to be super excited.

Tomorrow sees the encore for this fine rock star-studded performance. I think they’ll retire after that. I don’t think they’ve got another world tour in ’em.

Kelly ♥

A Whole Lotta Love on a Wednesday

We’re at about halfway through this gig and these muso’s who’ve been jamming together for over 20 years are starting to show their age. Like them though, I’m in this for the long haul. My feet are sore, my throat’s hoarse form belting out the tunes and I don’t think the ringing in my ears will cease for at least two weeks.

leibsterI was nominated by Joey at Joeyfully Stated for the Liebster award. She says stuff I only think about in the deep, inner recesses of my brain. I love the fact that she puts it all out there and doesn’t hold back. She is really glad to be alive no matter what the Home Depot lady thinks: I am sure of that. No one could be that funny and not want to be living it up at Home Depot.

Thanks, Joey. I can only imagine what going to a live gig would be like with you by my side.

070e6-liebsterSometimes you come across someone who just gets you. Lynette from Momisms-My Moments in Motherhood is one of those people for me. I think she’s read every post I’ve written and she comments regularly. She’s one reliable lady. It’s a wonder she doesn’t leave my blog sometimes scratching her head. She assures me she doesn’t even though sometimes I do. If we had time to chat I’m sure we’d have more in common than being surrounded by sons.

Thanks, Lynette. Your support means so much.

These guys really know how to rock even if they can’t flick their hair around like they used to. There’s that and also the fact they don’t have as much to flick anymore. They hype is building now to the final awesome tracks they’re renowned for. They’ve saved the best till last. It’s gonna be a legendary finish on Friday but bittersweet all the same.
Kelly ♥

A Whole Lotta Love on a Tuesday

There’s a constant hum in the air as the crowd awaits the return of the band on stage. Fans are still buzzing from the last set (or from something else?)

The crowd is cheering. They must be coming back on. I’m having trouble seeing-the joys of being a short arse. Can someone hoist me up on their shoulders?

abc awardAmber should have renamed this award after she received it. Amber’s Brilliant Content or Amber’s Butt Crack would have fitted perfectly. She believes I’m the queen of one-liners. I think I talk too much to be restricted to one line. She is the queen of funny and I know she won’t mind me killing this award in order to make it easier.

I’m supposed to list words starting with every letter of the alphabet that describe me or some such other business which is supposed to entertain you.

I’d prefer you go and see Amber’s underwear and let her entertain you. So I’m covering my butt with one word “ABUZZ’. It starts with A and ends in Z. There were no rules posted on Amber’s post anyway so technically it’s not cheating. She’s not one to follow rules. Bleedin’ Texans!

I will nominate though.

3 of my new followers who I’m yet to go visit:

A – Aimi

B – BGBowers

C – Contrary Mom



If the written word, rather than singing, is more your cup of tea then Melissa has the buzz on writing. She’s a writer and aspiring author like me. Melissa wants to step out of her accountant’s clothing and I, my teacher’s threads. If she’s anything like I imagine I’ll be when I’m a full-time writer she’ll spend her day in trackies with a pencil behind her ear.

Thank you Melissa for thinking that I inspire you on what really matters. You inspire me in return to go grab my manuscript and get to it.

The next set will be where some legends are on stage.

Kelly ♥

A Whole Lotta Love on a Monday

Bloggerellies you have rocked my socks off. Thank goodness you did too as I needed my toes to count and remember the awards I needed to do this week. I’m more flustered than if I was front and centre at a Led Zeppelin concert, armpit to armpit with some die hard fans. I wonder if they’d mind if I borrowed their zeppelin to fly my awards home in.

I hope you guys are up to rockin’ out with me for awhile until we get to the end of this gig. It’s gonna be a mammoth show over the next 5 days. I’m going to post two awards each day or until I pass out from the excitement of it all.

Firstly, I’d like to pay homage to the blogenius who decided that it was totally cool to post the receipt of an award that one has already received; just acknowledge the person who bestowed that award upon you. I would more than likely give you my gold ticket if I knew who you were as you’ve probably saved me several hours of post-i-tis and the audience from burnt fingers after waving their lighters in the air for too long.

The stage is set. Let’s rock this joint.

sunshine-award2Chopping Potatoes is what Jennifer does best. She’s got it down to such a fine art form her spuds have been Freshly Pressed. I am in complete awe of her writing style (not due to fact of the FP) because she doesn’t put starch in her posts. They’re open, honest, funny and I can relate to them.  It is awesome to have received this award from you, Jennifer. Thank you.

As I have already received this award I won’t post the rules here. You can find them on Jennifer’s site if you wish to take this award home with you.

070e6-liebsterPieter, a.k.a  Ah Dad…, did some rocking and rolling of his own recently. He sang, ‘You Give Love a Bad Name,’ with Bon Jovi and woo hoo’ed when he reached 100 followers (I wonder if Jon has that many?). Unfortunately he’s approaching the big 4-0h, like my good self, and didn’t do so well on his hearing test. Pieter makes me laugh frequently-just don’t ask him about the air-conditioner guy. Thanks, Pieter.

I’ve also received this one before so I won’t nominate-just go check Pieter out. I’ve prepared him for the hoards of adoring fans (ahem, one or two of you) who might head over there based on my perspective.

Well that was a pretty easy first set. I’m all warmed up now and raring to hear what’s coming up next. I hope there’s going to be some classics in the mix.

Love will be back in the spotlight after a drinks break.

Kelly ♥

I’m A Versatile Underwear Lover

undiesMine are clean. How about yours, love?

I would like to thank Amber at “Normal” is the New Boring for sharing this honour and her sexy undergarment post. If you haven’t popped over to Amber’s and met her family it’d be worth a visit. Settle in for a bit and if you check out her most recent post you might even get a flash of underwear. It might pay to take a clean pair with you.

The requirements for this award are as follows:

  • Thank the person who gave you this award. That’s common courtesy.

  • Include a link to their blog. That’s also common courtesy — if you can figure out how to do it.
  • Next, select 15 blogs/bloggers that you’ve recently discovered or follow regularly.
  • Nominate those 15 bloggers for the Versatile Blogger Award — you might include a link to this site.
  • Finally, tell the person who nominated you 7 things about yourself.


7 things about me and my undergarments you did not (and may not have) cared to know:

  1. My underwear is neatly folded and in stacked piled OCD style.
  2. They are categorised into everyday wear, those ‘other 5 days’ and, finally, invisible undies (for when I don’t want people to know I’m wearing any).
  3. The type that Amber wears on Tuesday are in my bottom drawer and have barely seen the light of day in….I don’t know how long.
  4. My G-string wearing days are over. I never bought a T-String (these were ‘in’ after I’d had two children) unless you count the ones in the kitchen attached to the tea bags.
  5. My very comfy undies are in fact Bonds. They cost $8 pair on special. Pity Pat doesn’t come with them.
  6. My grundies are my pj’s even in the heart of winter.
  7. Commando? Isn’t that the trainer on the Biggest Loser Australia?

So here’s my list of superhero bloggers that may or may not wear their underwear as outerwear:

The Things I See Up Here
Mrs Smith
All About Manners
Bucket List Publications
On The Fence
Words for JP
Females United Blog
Mister G Kids
Inspiration Energy
Have fun With It
A Penny For Your Thoughts
Lady in the House
What I Meant to Say
Encourage One Another Dailyundies grandma

I bet they’re swinging theirs in the air as they read this! As always there’s no need to follow on the tradition of, ‘I’ve shown you mine, now show me yours.’ Award to the next fifteen if the shoe bloomers fit.

Love my cottontails!


Image from: here and here.

A Versatile Kinda Love

I just love the word versatile.


I would like to thank Kimberly at Words for JP for my 6th award this month. If you haven’t popped over to Kim’s please wander in and be prepared to stay a while. This lady renders me incapable of speaking with her poetry. I don’t comment often because I wouldn’t know what to say other than ‘wow’ and that would get redundant after a short while. If there was a ‘like’ button that was in caps I would click it every time.

The requirements for this award are as follows:

  • Thank the person who gave you this award. That’s common courtesy.
  • Include a link to their blog. That’s also common courtesy — if you can figure out how to do it.
  • Next, select 15 blogs/bloggers that you’ve recently discovered or follow regularly.
  • Nominate those 15 bloggers for the Versatile Blogger Award — you might include a link to this site.
  • Finally, tell the person who nominated you 7 things about yourself.

7 things about me you may not already know:

  1. Faced with an entire block of chocolate to myself I’d still only eat a few squares.
  2. I am surrounded by three very strong males: Bull (Taurus), Lion (Leo) and a Ram (Aries). My star sign is Sagittarius-The Archer.
  3. I am the least funny of all my friends but they are true friends as they still laugh at my jokes.
  4. My family and I live in the southern suburbs of South Australia.
  5. I plan never to post photos of my children on my blog (which I’ll go into in a later post).
  6. I love creating of any sort: art, craft, music, dance and writing but am no good at some.
  7. The spotlight and I are not comrades.

This may be a little controversial but I do not intend on following the guidelines to the letter. This is the part where you’d normally see the list of 15 blogs I would highly recommend you go and take a gander at. ‘Er, where’s the list, you say? Please read on.

I’d like to extend a warm invitation to all bloggers who visit this page to add a blog of their choice in the comments box. Whether it’s your first time round these parts or you’re part of the furniture, please feel free to suggest away. It could be your own or one that you would highly recommend to me. Add multiple blogs if you wish. This is open-ended time wise and not limited to the normal 15. All I ask is that you put in the link instead of just the blog name so I can link straight to it.

I assure this is not a case of lazy blogger syndrome. I would love nothing more than to further my reading in as many corners of WP as possible. Once I have visited a blog I can create my list and do a pingback to each site. So I will be doing what the award asks-just in reverse order this time.

Gee, I really am versatile!

Lots of love
