Liebster Award. SWEET!

Liebster=sweetheart, beloved person, darling.

I would like to thank Kim at words4jp’s blog for including Free Little Words in the list of blogs she deems worthy of this award . She visits my blog daily and comments almost as often. I really do feel loved.


The Liebster duties:

1.  Post 11 facts about myself.

2.  Answer the 11 questions posed by the nominator.

3.  Pass the love to 11 other bloggers &

4.  Pose 11 new questions for the newly ‘loved’ to answer.

So to start with I’ll answer the questions that sweet Kim has posed:

1.  what was your first job? Holly’s restaurant inside KMart serving food to lovely people who used to leave dirty nappies (diapers) on their food trays.

2.  favorite subject in school (lunch and gym do not count:) – Art and Maths (the former I loved but wasn’t very good at and the latter I didn’t love but was very good at).

3.  If you had to pick your last meal ever – Prawns with fresh squeezed lemon and thousand island dressing

4.  first pet (a rock or imaginary pet will qualify) – A guinea pig whose name escapes me (I must have truly loved it)!

5.  girls – one piece or bikini / boys – trunks or Speedo-At my age one piece for girls and never ever speedos

6. the one place in the world you want to see before you die – Egypt

7.  most famous person you have ever met – My 5 y.o. (well he’ll be famous some day)

8.  to explore the depths of the ocean or the galaxy – Galaxy absolutely. I’m a star gazer.

9.  do you prefer the first 3 Star Wars films (the original 3) OR the 2nd three Star Wars films – Neither as I’m not a Sci Fi fan AT ALL. I can hear the boos now.

10.  your ultimate wish for all of mankind – No more wars or bomb building.

11.  prefer winter weather or summer weather- After the heatwave we’ve had (8 days in a row over 30°C) give me some snow. We don’t get snow at all here so that seems like a nice idea. I’m sure all the snow dwellers suffering through blizzards will disagree with me here and think that I’m living in a tropical paradise.

Since having my last award bestowed upon me I have made it my goal to search, seek out and find blogs that are outside of my beginning reading preferences. Some of these blogs I am new to and hope that they will accept the love that is being offered.

Now the sweetest part of all-nominating 11 other blogs which show and share their love of live and all things bloggable:

On the Fence
Field Notes From Fatherhood
Squarehead Teachers
Have Fun With It!
Wine and Cheese (Doodles)
Momisms-My Moments in Motherhood
Plan B-each
Poke N Grits

If you’d love to sweeten someone’s day and show them what a darling you think they are have a look-see over at one or more of these blogs that are, in my opinion, all worthy of the beloved (Liebster) title to me.

And finally the 11 questions for these awesomely amazing people to answer and give us a little insight into their psyche. Hang in there till the end. They start tame but then……..

  1. Toilet paper over or under and are you a scruncher or a folder?
  2. Are you a cat or dog person?
  3. What chore do you absolutely hate doing?
  4. If you could choose to stay a certain age forever, what age would it be and why?
  5. What is something you learned in the last week?
  6. Which celebrity do you get mistaken for?
  7. What’s one thing your parent/s did that you swore you would never repeat with your own children and you have followed through with?
  8. If you could have a room full of any one thing, what would it be?
  9. What do you value most in other people?
  10. If you could only see the world in black and white plus one other colour, what colour would you choose?
  11. Do you believe ‘half the fun is getting there’?

Love and virtual hugs to everyone


4 thoughts on “Liebster Award. SWEET!

  1. Thank you!!! I am such a technical handicap in blogging, still figuring my own blog out. I wish I could return the favor. Maybe when I get a better sense of how these things work. Be patient. 🙂

Care to share some love?