Love Makes the Top 10 on the Bucket List

Got a bucket list this year?

Making goals and achieving them can be extremely rewarding and fulfilling. Whether it’s called a bucket list or not doesn’t really matter. We all have dreams and desires which we strive to reach. From the smallest moments to the once-in-a-lifetime experiences, most people try to live a life that’s full to overflowing.

For me there is only one thing on my list this year.

So instead of wracking my brain trying to come up with experiences that would fill my life with moments to treasure, I asked my boys about things they’d love to do.

Their top 10 list consists of:

  1. Go to a museum (again).
  2. Locate and visit playgrounds they’ve never been to before.
  3. Attend an AFL football game.
  4. Swim in winter.
  5. Watch a 3D movie.
  6. Hold a snake.
  7. Go camping (not in the backyard).
  8. Attend a basketball clinic.
  9. Go on a family holiday that involves flying on a plane for the first time.
  10. See Taronga or Melbourne Zoo (a first for the whole family).

The kids needed some prompting with ideas but these are largely their own suggestions. They are yet to expand their view of the world and understand what it has to offer. We’re looking forward to enjoying these activities together as a family. My reward will come from sharing these experiences with them.

We never labelled this list, hence avoiding the need to explain what a bucket list is all about.

We will endeavour to complete all of these before the end of this year.

Love is in the bag bucket.

21 thoughts on “Love Makes the Top 10 on the Bucket List

  1. Great list! I have stopped putting together lists – just because of the chaos which rules my life. This year I want Jordan to adjust well away from home and enjoy his first year in college. I want Peyton to continue doing well in school – be safe taking driver’s ed in the fall and make the soccer team (he really wants to get on the sophomore HS team. I want Syd to adjust well to spending more time by herself and that she approaches her ‘mature’ adult years gracefully – in other words, the arthritis is starting. Lastly I want my kids to be healthy and happy! This is my list:)

  2. I’m a list girl…so I should probably do one of these again. My bucket list has changed since my last one. completely changed 🙂

  3. I’ve been to Taronga zoo, where we stood by the platypus enclosure for quite some time waiting for the famed duck-bill platypus to make an appearance, but it never did. We did get a smashing picture of us with a koala though….

    • They are very illusive little critters.

      I am lucky enough to have koalas visit my backyard but have patted one at a Wildlife park.

      Taronga is awesome I’ve heard. I haven’t been, yet.

Care to share some love?