The Morning Love Rush

Love’s AWOL in the A.M.

hurryAlarm sounds
and they’re off!

Rub sleepy eyes and pull quilt back up
Turn on light; it’s still dark out
Stretch arms and feet hit the floor
Drag heels all the way.

Clothes flying across the room
Shoes-where are they?
Toast inhaled and milk gulped
Plates to sink and wiped faces.

Comb hair in a heartbeat
Brush you teeth as fast as you can
Spit, wipe and run
Grab your stuff, let’s go!

Bags piled onto backs
Door locked and all secure
Legs flying at double speed
Car loaded and ready to roll.

Dash here
rush there
hurry, hurry everywhere.

And breathe….there’s no time for love on a workday morning.

13 thoughts on “The Morning Love Rush

Care to share some love?